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BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica

BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica

Sempre più persone danno importanza a una dieta sana e consapevole della salute, con alimenti di alta qualità fatti con ingredienti naturali e non trattati provenienti da coltivazioni biologiche controllate. Questo cambiamento di pensiero non si ferma ai prodotti alimentari spesso altamente trasformati nel settore della nutrizione sportiva. Sempre più produttori producono barrette energetiche e proteiche così come gel e integratori alimentari in qualità biologica e spesso danno valore a una naturalezza speciale, come la produzione di alimenti crudi, che non richiedono un forte riscaldamento di oltre 42° C per garantire la conservazione di molti nutrienti e sostanze vitali in particolare.
Il BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica offre la possibilità di testare i prodotti biologici dei nostri produttori in un confronto diretto e di risparmiare allo stesso tempo!

Il BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO con 6 barrette energetiche:

  • 1x Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar BIO - Barretta di Carboidrati (40 g - diversi gusti)
  • 1x Chimpanzee Protein Bar BIO- Barretta Proteica (45 g - diversi gusti)
  • 1x Peak Punk Oat Flapjack BIO - Barretta di Carboidrati (60 g - diversi gusti)
  • 1x Powerbar TRUE Organic Protein Bar BIO - Barretta Proteine (45 g - diversi gusti)
  • 1x RawBite Carbohydrate Oat Bar BIO (50 g - diversi gusti)
  • 1x Sanct Bernhard Sport BIO Aktiv Bar con Carboidrati - Cranberry (40 g)

Dettagli degli alimenti biologici per lo sport inclusi:

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar

Vuoi riempire le tue scorte, sapere esattamente cosa stai mangiando e non scendere a compromessi sul gusto? Allora abbiamo qualcosa per voi: La TRUE Organic Oat Bar - con un massimo di 6 ingredienti di origine vegetale come avena, datteri e noci - tutti nella migliore qualità biologica. È neutrale per il clima e, a seconda della varietà, fatto con cacao del commercio equo e solidale - e arriva a voi in un'innovativa pellicola senza plastica e compostabile in giardino. Buono per te e buono per il pianeta.

Indicazioni: 1-2 barrette al giorno.

Chimpanzee Protein Bar

Le Chimpanzee Protein Bar sono adatte a vegani e vegetariani che necessitano di un maggiore apporto di proteine di alta qualità nella loro dieta. Sono adatte anche agli atleti che vogliono ottenere il massimo dall'allenamento. Favoriscono il metabolismo, essenziale per la rigenerazione e la crescita della massa muscolare, e contengono carboidrati come fonte permanente di energia. Le barrette proteiche sono realizzate con pochi ingredienti biologici selezionati a mano e senza trattamento termico e contengono il 20% di proteine vegane da riso integrale e noci.

Indicazioni: Adatte dopo l'allenamento o come spuntino sano e veloce. Le barrette Chimpanzee sono adatte a persone attive e consigliate anche ai bambini. 

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar

Peak Punk brilla con materie prime organiche puramente vegane e assicura una fornitura di energia di lunga durata - ogni barretta è forte nella sua zona. Altrettanto importante: Peak Punk è radicalmente privo di zucchero raffinato, dolcificanti artificiali, conservanti o altri ingredienti f*** no-go.

Powerbar TRUE Organic Protein Bar

You want to supply your body with protein, know exactly what you're eating and not compromise on taste? Then we have something for you: The TRUE Organic Protein Bar - with a maximum of 8 plant-based ingredients such as dates, nuts or wheat - in the best organic quality. It is climate-neutral and, depending on the flavor, made with fair-trade cocoa - and comes to you in an innovative plastic-free and garden-compostable film. Good for you & good for the planet.

Indicazioni: 1-2 barrette al giorno.

Clif Nut Butter Bar

Con questa barretta gli amanti delle noci avranno pane per i loro denti. Gli atleti e i buongustai della cucina Clif hanno creato un nuovo tipo di barretta. La barretta energetica Clif Bar con ripieno di burro di nocciole combina due grandi stimolatori di energia - deliziosi burri di nocciole in un'unica barretta energetica. Sia che stiate facendo una corsa in bicicletta di 150 km o esplorando un nuovo sentiero, questa barretta energetica è stata creata per sostenere la vostra avventura. Tutti gli ingredienti provengono esclusivamente dalla natura e da un sistema di coltivazione eco-compatibile.

Indicazioni: Per ottenere risultati ottimali, assumere CLIF Bar da una a tre ore prima dell'allenamento con molta acqua. In questo modo si evitano i morsi della fame e si fornisce ai muscoli l'energia di cui hanno bisogno. Durante le escursioni più lunghe e meno intense, ad esempio a piedi o in bicicletta, è possibile assumere CLIF Bar anche durante le sessioni per soddisfare i morsi della fame e reintegrare le riserve di carboidrati. CLIF Bar è ideale come spuntino tra un pasto e l'altro o dopo una giornata faticosa per fare il pieno di energia. 

Sanct Bernhard Sport BIO Aktiv Bar

Ideale per gli spostamenti, per esempio durante l'escursionismo, il ciclismo o la corsa. Il suo rapido effetto saziante previene i "morsi della fame" che sono particolarmente temuti dagli atleti di resistenza. Gusto piacevolmente fruttato, aspro e rinfrescante. Tutti gli ingredienti provengono da coltivazioni biologiche controllate. Equilibrato e molto ben tollerato. Senza zuccheri aggiunti o additivi artificiali. Senza lattosio e senza glutine.

Indicazioni: 1 barretta entro 60 minuti prima dell'esercizio e / o durante l'esercizio, fino a 90 g di carboidrati per ora è raccomandato, a seconda dell'intensità e della durata. 1 - 4 barrette al giorno.

Nota: Per ulteriori informazioni sui singoli prodotti, si prega di richiamare gli articoli corrispondenti nel nostro negozio.

Questi prodotti dovrebbero essere consumati come parte di una dieta varia ed equilibrata e di uno stile di vita sano. Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto.

Ambito di consegna: 6 prodotti in totale.

Scheda tecnica per BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica

Nome del prodotto: BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica
Produttore: Diverse
Numero articolo: NON240203
Prodotto biologico:
Attività: Alimentazione
Tipo prodotto alimentare: Carboidrati, Proteine, Vitamine / Minerali
Caratteristiche prodotto alimentare: Certificato biologico (UE), Vegan, Vegetariano, Offerte per degustazione
Gusto: Dolce
Prima/durante/dopo: Prima, Durante
Tipo alimentazione sportiva: Barretta
Codice Organismo di Controllo Biologico: CZ-BIO-002 | DE-ÖKO-005 | DE-ÖKO-006 | CZ-BIO-002 | DK-ØKO-100

Informazioni nutrizionali per"BIKE24 Pacchetto di Prova BIO Barretta Energetica"

Ingredienti: Sanct Bernhard ORGANIC Chocolate-Plum-Bar - 40g
40% plums, chocolate 25% (crystal cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), raisins, apricots, almonds, oatmeal
Allergens: May contain traces of lactose . Contains wheat and nuts .
All ingredients from certified organic agriculture.
DE-ÖKO-001 - EU / non-EU Agriculture

Aktiv3 ORGANIC Endurance Bar with Carbohydrates - Cranberry - 40g:
Cranberries (25 %) (cranberries, concentrated apple syrup, sunflower oil), apricots, rice flour, sour cherries, apples, dates, macadamia nuts, popped amaranth, linseed.
Important notice for allergy sufferers: May contain traces of milk and other nuts.
All ingredients from certified organic cultivation.

Squeezy ORGANIC Energy Bar - Carbohydrate Bar with Fruits - Pineapple Almond:
Raisins*, pineapple* 20%, almonds* 19%, honey* 18%, cashew nuts*, Apricot kernels*, sunflower oil*, potato starch*.
* From organic farming
Tabella nutrizionale: Sanct Bernhard ORGANIC Chocolate-Plum-Bar - 40g
Nutrition fact average values per 100 g
Energy: 1200 kj / 282,5 kcal
fat: 4,0 g
- of which
- saturated fatty acids: 0,5 g
- monounsaturated fatty acids: 2,5 g
- polyunsaturated fatty acids: 1,0 g
carbohydrates: 57,0 g
- of which sugar: 39,5 g
dietary fiber: 10,3 g
protein: 4,8 g
salt: 0,025 g

Aktiv3 ORGANIC Endurance Bar with Carbohydrates - Cranberry - 40g:
Nutritional information per 100 g per bar (40g)
calories 1403 kJ (335,2 kcal) 561 kJ (134,1 kcal)
fat 9,0 g
of which saturated fat 1,5 g 0,6 g
of which monounsaturated fat 6,0 g 2,4 g
of which polyunsaturated fat 1,5 g 0,6 g
carbohydrates 58,9 g 23,6 g
of which sugars 22,0 g 8,8 g
protein 4,8 g 1,9 g
salt 0,01 g 0,004 g
Nutritional information per 100 g per bar (40g)
fibre 6,2 g 2,5 g
carbohydrate exchange units 5 BE 2 BE

All components occur naturally in the raw ingredients.

Squeezy ORGANIC Energy Bar - Carbohydrate Bar with Fruits - Pineapple Almond:
Nutritional information per bar | per 100 g

Energy: 657 kJ (157 kcal) | 1.643 kJ (392 kcal)
Fat: 6,6 g | 17 g
- of which saturated: 0,80 g | 2,0 g
Carbohydrates: 20 g | 49 g
- of which sugars: 18 g | 45 g
Protein: 3,2 g | 7,9 g
Dietry fiber: - | -
Salt <0,10 g | <0,10 g


Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
6,2 g
3,1 g
14,0 g
7,1 g
0,76 g
0,38 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate & Peanut Butter (Cioccolato-Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (20.1%), oatflakes*, oatflour*, brown rice syrup*, cane sugar syrup*, date paste*, pea protein*, high fatty acid sunflower oil*, rice starch*, Tapioca syrup*, palm oil*, peanutflour* (3.3%), cane sugar*, rice flour*, humectants: glycerine, unsweetened chocolate* (1.1%), cocoa* (1.0%), natural flavours, sea salt, Emulsifier: lecithin, antioxidant: highly tocopherol-containing extracts.


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1884 (450) 944 (226)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,9 g 2,4 g
Carbohydrate 46,0 g 23,0 g
of which sugars 18,0 g 9,2 g
Fibre 6,2 g 3,1 g
Protein 14,0 g 7,1 g
Salt 0,76 g 0,38 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Gusto - Blueberry Muffin (Muffin ai mirtilli)


Gluten-free oat flakes* (35%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (vegetable oil* (sunflower), shea butter*, drinking water, green tea extract), blanched almond pieces*, dark chocolate pieces* (8%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder, cocoa solids 54%), blueberry powder* (6.2%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame, mustard and celery.

Tabella nutrizionale:

Nutritional facts per 100 g
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1,986
- in kilocalories: 476
Fat: 28 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 7 g
Carbohydrates: 46 g
- of which sugar: 27 g
Dietary fibre: 5.9 g
Protein: 8.1 g
Salt: 0.08 g

Gusto - Burro di Arachidi


Dates*, peanuts* 41 %, rice protein* 7 %. (*certified organic product).

May contain traces of other nuts and seeds.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,861 kJ (474 kcal) 837 kJ (201 kcal)
Fat 21 g 9.4 g
- of which saturates 3 g 1.4 g
Carbohydrates 45 g 20 g
- of which sugars 38 g 17 g
Fibre 5.6 g 2.5 g
Protein 17 g 7.7 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)

Ingredienti: peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.
Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
5,8 g
2,9 g
14,0 g
7 g
0,78 g
0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Peanut Butter (Burro di Arachidi)


peanutbutter* (18,7 %), oatflour*, oatflakes*, brown rice syrup*, date paste*, cane sugar syrup*, pea protein*, tapioca syrup*, rice starch*, sunflower oil with high fatty acid content*, palm oil*, peanutbutter (3.3 %), cane sugar*, rice flour*, natural flavours, peanuts* (1.3 %), humectant: glycerine, sea salt, emulsifier: lecithin, Antioxidants: high tocopherol extracts


May contain traces of nuts, milk, milk products, lactose, sesame, barley, rye, tricitale, wheat and soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1877 (449) 957(229)
Fat 21g 11 g
of which saturated fat 4,6 g 2,3 g
Carbohydrate 48,0 g 24,0 g
of which sugars 19,0 g 9,5 g
Fibre 5,8 g 2,9 g
Protein 14,0 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Gusto - Brownie Cashew


Gluten-free oat flakes* (35%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (sunflower oil*, shea butter *, water, natural flavor), cashew nuts* (9%), dark chocolate pieces* (9%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder*), (cocoa contains at least 53%), fat reduced cocoa powder*, mate powder* (0.6%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame seeds, mustard and celery.

Tabella nutrizionale:

Nutritional facts per bar (60 g)
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1162
- in kilocalories: 278
Fat: 16 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 4,4 g
Carbohydrates: 27 g
- of which sugar: 15 g
Dietary fibre: 5,5 g
Protein: 5 g
Salt: 0,18 g

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Gusto - Banana Nocciola


Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Gusto - Banana Nocciola


Oat flakes* (31%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, banana flakes* (13%), hazelnuts* (9%), hazelnut pulp* (6%).
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, almonds, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1667 (397) 668 (159)
Fat 13 g 5.2 g
- of which saturates 1.3 g 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 59 g 24 g
- of which sugars 32 g 13 g
Protein 8.0 g 3.2 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Gusto - Cioccolato


Dates*, cashews*, rice protein* 7.5 %, cocoa beans* 7%, cocoa* 5.5 %. (*certified BIO product).

May contain traces of peanuts and seeds.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,727 kJ (413 kcal) 777 kJ (186 kcal)
Fat 17 g 7.7 g
- of which saturates 5.3 g 2.4 g
Carbohydrates 50 g 23 g
- of which sugars 40 g 18 g
Fibre 6.4 g 2.9 g
Protein 14 g 6.3 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Chunks


Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%),
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1690 (402) 675 (161)
Fat 13 g 5.3 g
- of which saturates 4.1 g 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 58 g 23 g
- of which sugars 29 g 12 g
Protein 9.2 g 3.7 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Powerbar TRUE Organic Oat Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Chunks


Oat flakes* (39%), oat syrup*, date pulp*, dark chocolate chips* (13%) (cane sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter), almond pulp* (8%),
* from organic farming

May contain: peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, barley, wheat, milk, soy.

Tabella nutrizionale:


Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (40 g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1690 (402) 675 (161)
Fat 13 g 5.3 g
- of which saturates 4.1 g 1.6 g
Carbohydrates 58 g 23 g
- of which sugars 29 g 12 g
Protein 9.2 g 3.7 g
Salt 0.02 g 0 g
Manganese 2.3 mg 0.9 mg

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Peanut (Cioccolato e arachidi)


Gluten-free oat flakes* (32%), roasted peanuts* (22%), agave syrup*, vegetable fat* (vegetable oil* (sunflower), shea butter*, drinking water, green tea extract), dark chocolate chips* (10%) (cocoa mass*, sugar*, cocoa butter*, vanilla powder, cocoa solids 54%), sunflower lecithin*, salt.

*from controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame, mustard and celery.

Tabella nutrizionale:

Nutritional facts per 100g
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 2,111
- in kilocalories: 507
Fat: 32 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 8.7 g
Carbohydrates: 39 g
- of which sugar: 23 g
Dietary fibre: 5.5 g
Protein: 13 g
Salt: 0.33 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Gocce di Cioccolato e Burro di Arachidi)


Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Gocce di Cioccolato e Burro di Arachidi)


Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Clif Nut Butter Bar - Gusto - Chocolate Chip & Peanut Butter (Gocce di Cioccolato e Burro di Arachidi)


Peanut Butter*, Oat Flour*, Rolled Oats*, Brown Rice Syrup*, Cane Sugar*, Date Paste*, Pea Protein*, Cane Syrup*, Tapioca Syrup*, Rice Starch*, Palm Oil*, Peanut Flour*, Unsweetened Chocolate*, Peanuts*, Sunflower and/or Soybean Oil*, Rice Flour*, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Flavors, Salt, Cocoa Butter*, Soy Lecithin*, Mixed Tocopherols (Antioxidant).


Contains peanuts and soy. May contain tree nuts, milk, sesame and wheat.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition Information per 100 g per bar (50g)
Energy kJ (kcal) 1924 (460) 962 (230)
Fat 22 g 11 g
of which saturated fat 5 g 2,5 g
Carbohydrate 52 g 27 g
of which sugars 22 g 11 g
Fibre 6 g 3 g
Protein 14 g 7 g
Salt 0,78 g 0,39 g

Peak Punk Oat Flapjack Bar - Gusto - Salted Peanut (Arachidi salate)


Gluten-free oat flakes* (32%), agave syrup*, roasted peanuts* (26%), vegetable fat* (sunflower oil*, shea butter*, water, natural flavor), sea salt (0.9%), yerba mate* (0.6%), sunflower lecithin*.

*From controlled organic cultivation.

May contain traces of nutshells and fruit kernels as well as eggs, soy, peanuts, milk, sesame seeds, mustard and celery.

Tabella nutrizionale:

Nutritional facts per bar (60 g)
Physiological calorific value
- in kilojoules: 1135
- in kilocalories: 272
Fat: 14 g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 2,6  g
Carbohydrates: 28 g
- of which sugar: 14 g
Dietary fibre: 3,5 g
Protein: 6,6 g
Salt: 0,52 g

Gusto - Bacche


Dates*, cashews*, rice protein* 5%, concentrated blackcurrant juice* 2.5%, natural raspberry aroma 1%, concentrated lemon juice*. (*certified BIO product).

May contain traces of peanuts and seeds.

Tabella nutrizionale:
Nutrition table per 100 g per bar (45 g)
Energetic value 1,688 kJ (403 kcal) 760 kJ (181 kcal)
Fat 16 g 7.1 g
- of which saturates 2.9 g 1.3 g
Carbohydrates 54 g 24 g
- of which sugars 42 g 19 g
Fibre 3.5 g 1.6 g
Protein 12 g 5.3 g
Salt 0.1 g 0.04 g